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International Visits

National Defense University visited the NTOU

Date of Visit



國防大學(National Defense University)

Visitor List

1. 鄭永熙 海軍上校
2. 覃正文 中校
3. 22 foreign guests

Purpose of visit

1. MOU singing Ceremony
2. Both parties aim to collaborate on enrollment and business management research, with a particular focus on in-depth discussions regarding the planning of 2+2 dual degree programs and 3+1 dual degree programs.

Visit Itinerary

1. Meet with the Dean of the International Affairs of the NTOU, Dr. Yu-Wei Chang, the Vice Dean of the International Affairs of the NTOU, Dr. Chia-Ling Wang, and Dr. Pin-Wen Chiou.
2. Visit Maritime Development and Training Center
3. Visit Aquatic Animal Center


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